Wednesday 23 May 2012

When Priests Rule

When Priests Rule

In India it is a priest-ridden culture. Ultimately everything here is linked to religion and when all other methods fail the only savior to be called upon is the communicator between the known and the unknown, the priest who claims to be the link to god. People tend to believe blindly in the priest and the salvation which he promises, ignoring reason and logic. Belief is all right but when it loses reason then it becomes a burden and instead of virtue it becomes a vice. Emma Goldman said that:-“I don’t believe in god because I believe in man”. This statement carries much meaning. Instead of believing in itself and in humanity the human starts to believe in the so-called supernatural. Nothing is above nature and if it is it must have a reason behind it. All I say is that if any phenomenon takes place it should have a sound reason behind it.
 Provide me a reason and I shall believe what you say
Throughout the passages of history there have been many civilizations and states where priests have been a dominant factor. The medieval period of Europe, the Central American Aztecs, the Ancient Egyptian civilization and the present Indian culture are some examples to mention. When priests rule the masses suffer. When you are said not to question then the intellectual spirit dies and it takes a long time to revive. Religion was used as a tool for statecraft. Keep people busy by addicting them with religion. In the middle ages when serfs demanded equality and freedom they were said: - Such a kingdom is only possible in the kingdom of god. Earth is not heaven. “Religion is the opium of the masses”- Karl Marx said. In the name of religion numerous wars have been carried out. (Although most of them were for political and economic purposes but the name of religion has been used to intrigue the masses.) A priest-ridden society acts like a catalyst for an autocratic rule. It binds people in some specific limits and thinking above that limit is considered blasphemy. The Inquisition of churches can be regarded as a condemnable example of the priest-ridden culture. Religion is a factor that has been responsible for the shattering of many big civilizations. As we know today, the Aztec civilization was a priest-ridden culture. The Spanish took advantage of it and became the masters of the Central American lands. When Cortes landed in Mexico he was regarded as The Feathered Serpent Quetzalcoatl and was treated as a guest of the king. When the Aztec people realized his true motives and tried to get rid of him it was too late. Aztec society was much more priest-ridden than this. It was a culture in which everything was consulted with the priest. It was so priest-ridden that human sacrifices were performed in their temples and wars were waged to get more people for this requirement. In this culture where priests and kings ruled, the common subject suffered. Ancient Egypt was such a civilization too. Emperors were worshiped as demigods and when they died they were given the title of a full god. In this land of the Pharaoh wealth was limited to the priesthood and the few powerful figures. In this system the commonest of the common man perished. India along with many other nations is turning towards this priest-ridden culture. This priesthood is one reason for the decline of the artistic, philosophical and scientific of humans. Here you are expected to not ask questions. Here you are said not to doubt. Progress can never come in such a limited and irrational society. The priest-ridden societies will remain stagnant and will eventually decay. When water flows it is fresh and lively, when it is stagnant it decays. The same is true for civilizations. For humanity to advance it will require proper spirit and such a spirit is considered blasphemy in a priest-ridden culture. Let Reason Prevail.       

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